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Scylla and Charybdis, mon - Tools

The tools are developed under Linux with ESR's paradigm release early, release often in mind.
So you can consider this beta software, or alpha, or pre-alpha, or even worse ;)

Have a look in the download directory for all downloads.
As always here, all you get is the source. No binaries here.

mon 0.2.0-20040915-014028

Lightweight system monitor in case you have no time (look into latest version, download latest version 0.2.0-20040915-014028)

If you want to run a system monitor on your system but you have no time to do it right, then mon is for you. Just compile mon and start it. It will gather the information onto a file, such that you can later do the evaluation.

For Linux 2.4 kernels. Tested to compile on SuSE Linux 9 and RedHat 7.3 and 9.


version 0.2.0-20040915-014028

download (19912 bytes)

Version with Network device monitor

version 0.1.0-20040913-044112

download (19171 bytes)

Bugfix release

The index creation on tokens did not work in some circumstances, because of a wrong sizeof calculation (just one little * too much).

version 0.0.0-20040913-032124

First version

It does what I need.

License and Disclaimer

All you can see here is free software according to the GNU GPL.
Copyright (C)2000-2011 by Valentin Hilbig
Note that the software comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind.
You use the software at your own risk.
Valentin Hilbig cannot be hold responsible for any unintended damage,
lost data or malfunction of the software you can find here.

[FSFE contributor 2007]

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Last modified: 2011-09-12 by Valentin Hilbig [ Imprint / Impressum ]