$Header: /CVSROOT/squidauthdbm/README,v 1.1 2005/09/27 23:23:25 tino Exp $ For what it is look into DESCRIPTION To compile: make To use: Install as /somewhere/suqidauthdbm This automagically creates /somewhere/squidauthdbm.dbm echo "authenticate_program /somewhere/squidauthdbm" >>/etc/squid.conf /etc/init.d/squid restart Parameters to /somewhere/squidauthdbm: + Set password for user + Delete User + '' Disable User even with autolearning. Empty passwords are not allowed! - Alter setting Possible -settings are: -admin Set the Admin password. If unset, admin mode is not enabled. -autolearn Set autolearning on or off Admin mode: Enter +commandline or -commandline as user and give admin password. It will be declined (such that you can enter other things). Limitations: Usernames must not contain whitespace. Usernames must neither start with + nor - -Tino $Log: README,v $ Revision 1.1 2005/09/27 23:23:25 tino first version