-*-text-*- $Header: /CVSROOT/public/scylla-charybdis/md5backup/doc/output.txt,v 1.2 2004/09/28 23:58:47 tino Exp $ On the screen you will see following output while md5backup runs: 01:17 55 t3 i0 e0 w8 d1082 f5272 m28 o5 n23 6/7MB /home MM:SS Timer from the start 55 directories are in the internal list to be scanned recoursively t3 number targets after /home are to be done i0 files ignored for now e0 errors occured reading files w8 number of warnings printed d1082 directories scanned so far f5272 files scanned so far m28 number of modifications found o5 of which 5 have known content n23 and of which 23 have unknown content 6/7MB data stored in the backup area/copied total so far /home the current target Note about "o": md5backup can tell if two files with equal md5 sum have different content. With the latest developments in md5crk this code has been tested to work for two files. However it's still a very unlikely case that this happens. To check everything for correctness see bin/check.sh ---------- At the end you see something like: 10:37 args=7 ign=1 err=0 warn=8 dir=13045 file=488253 mod=5322 old=248 new=5074 193/209MB This is basically the same as above, only a little more elaborated. ---------- You might also see: ignore dir: /usr/local/backup/dbm This is normal, as md5backup automatically ignores the files it writes. As this files are always changing so they just waste backup storage. Please note: In this case I did a softlink of ln -s /usr/local/backup/dbm /backup/md5backup (which works for NFS volumes, too). ---------- Also there are warnings which usually show up because you are lazy: warning: cannot stat ignore argument: /var/log/warn If you want to correct this, then have a look into the ign/ subdirectory. ---------- A more verbose log is stored as log/NODENAME in the backup tree, where NODENAME is the second commandline argument. You will find all the screen outputs there, too, except for the progess output, of course. ---------- Additionally there is a file md5/NODENAME which contains a file suitable to be fed to `md5sum --check filename`. However it contains all the MD5 sums of the backup history, so altered files will show up several times. You can do something like this to get something reasonable: tac md5/NODENAME | awk '{ f=$0; sub(/^[^ ]* ./,"",f); if (!h[f]) print; h[f]=1; }' | md5sum --check ---------- Sorry, other output files are not yet described here. -Tino $Log: output.txt,v $ Revision 1.2 2004/09/28 23:58:47 tino slight changes to show all the new things Revision 1.1 2004/05/09 23:18:48 tino copied from README